Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Austerity of Spirit--Question of the Day 12-21-2010

In the spirit of freedom and peace, and in a desire to live in a world without wars and out of control surveillance, how can we as a global humanity--if we insist on money buys all for now-- give the wealthy and powerful elite enough of their own money to live on in luxury, forfeiting only their excesses,  so that the rest of us can take the excessive amounts of money and use it toward improving humanity: to end poverty, oppression, and exploitation world wide; to upgrade infrastructures, improve schools,  protect animals, advance medicine and science, aid the outcasts, protect women and children,  replace the prisons with centers or even hospitals and promote the arts and crafts?  When are we going to find that greed and myopic terrorism on the many by the few is a dying rope of the past we have to disentangle from everyday lives, once and for all, and lay to rest?

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